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One more week, and many more tests. 3 chemistry, 1 law, 1 english, 2 physics. I am slowly dying on the inside from all of this work and studying, but let’s be honest, we are all dying from the moment of birth. Has this experience shortened my life span? Most likely. Will I remember most of what I learned? Most likely not.

However, this was a very humbling time, with wisdom just being thrown around like oxygen. The ability to talk freely with people who have been underrated in the intelligence department was interesting. Being able to express writing style in a medium in which this generation has grown up with is a new experience as well. The people who constituted this class was also acceptable, without too many of them extroverts of course.

The best part of this was moving away from tradition. Watching movies in class, having been pushed to look past the wow and glamour, dissecting literature like there is no tomorrow. No, there is no right answer. There will never be a right answer, only an opinion. This opinion was not given to us, so we had to forge it ourselves. The norm was left to rot, as grammar sheets and what’s important and why was replaced by discussions and a small form of classroom democracy, where everyone had the freedom to express one’s thoughts. Lessons learned from this class have been exceptionally beneficial and will definitely be an asset for the future. I look forward to this class everyday because I know there will always be something interesting happening. Was this class easy though? I don’t think I could come up with an answer to that. But, time for the cons now…

Consistency and organization would have been better to help the flow of this course. The composition was also a little bit lacking, taking too much time on a certain thing would take time away from another(isn’t this how it always is?). This could be blamed on the short semester, but I am not one to point fingers.  Blending didn’t really work either, the subjects were suddenly transitioned from one thing into the next, with little or no connections. Constructive Criticism TIME has ArIvEd!!1!-

My biggest problem was trying to find good inspiration to keep writing. Writing is definitely not a strong suite of mine, well, nothing is, but the point is that there should always be something to write, draw, or think about. Perhaps it was all of the other work outside of this class, and all the rushing that all these other teachers are trying to do just to complete their curriculum. All this shows is that they try to load too much into one semester, that if there are any days where school is closed, the student’s must take their own time outside of their own life to finish what should of been done in class if the time was given (especially having 3 days of physics in 1 hour). The class kind of died at the end once the big assignment loomed over us all. Many improvements to be made, but A for effort.

If the decision arises to ever take this class again, the answer would be simple and instantaneous. If this class was not part of my life, then I would just be another person, another one of THEM. Enlightened, yes. Aware, somewhat. Changed, very much so. Hopefully, this will affect my future judgements.

Hopefully I can leave my mark in the world.






Am I a pessimist for thinking that no matter what someone does, there will always be someone else that  fucks  messes it up?

Math needs to grow the hell up and start solving it’s own problems.

Tron legacy, a sequel to the first Tron movie of 1984, situates inside the data base of a network of computers, similar to the matrix. The inhabitants of this virtual world can not leave the grid, they will not function off of it. Very much like society today, that if we were stranded somewhere without the presence of a system that constraints guides us, the ability to function properly would be all together abandoned. Sam Flynn, son of the creator, observes a history of the grid and must also contemplate decisions which reflect dilemnas of everyday life in modern society.

When Sam meets his father, who was trapped in the grid for many years, he gets updated on everything that has happened in this virtual world. Clu, Mr. Flynn’s other electronic half who was created to help build a utopia, mass murders a race of programs named ISOs much like Hitler did in World War Two. Clu destroyed this new species of programs because he could not contemplate what this new variable would ensue within the equation, and how this equation would be changed. Much like if a major change happened on the earth today, most people would be shell shocked and could not clearly make constructive decisions due to this new experience, so they tend to try to ignore this new substance that has changed the norm. This happened long ago when the Europeans first came to North America to find a new breed of people that they have never seen before. They did not know what to do with these First Nations, so the Europeans decided to try to incorporate them into their own society and destroy this newly found race. Not only does modern literature reflect history, but it also includes predicaments which one must face in the dearest of situations.

Sam Flynn is accompanied by the last ISO remaining, Quorra, who saves Sam on the race track from Clu. He starts growing a tight bond with her, as the story proceeds. From the time Sam enters the grid and leaves it, he oversees the death of many programs, yet when Clu decides to go on his rampage and try to step from the grid into reality, Sam carries Quorra to safety without a second though. The world today does the same, seeing a face is easier to understand than just a number, and especially with media playing such a big role, seeing that face is much easier. A recent viral video, shows a homeless man with a “Golden Voice“. This video got over 13 million views in a short 48 hours. This man is now getting  job offers everywhere. Yet when one hears about “one million killed by malaria each year, mostly in Africa, where 3,000 children alone are dying each day”(Singer, 2007) it is just a number. My grandpas death due to cancer was more of a concern for me than hearing just a number, after all “a single death is a tragedy, ; a million deaths is a statistic” ( Singer, 2007).

The human race is flawed beyond saving, and it is too ignorant  to save itself. We are so paranoid of change that we try to avoid it completely, hey, who knows what lies behind that door. Media is a new medium which takes its inspiration from events in history, and issues that face people everyday, but only a few know of them.

It’s weird, especially when one starts learning about history ,considering one starts to notice a lot of plots  of modern media seem to repeat historic events and mistakes of the present.

Reference List

Singer, Thea. (2007). Why We Don’t Care About Darfur. O, The Oprah Magazine, September[unknown], 236.

Kosinski, J. (Director). (2010). Tron: Legacy [Film]. USA: LivePlanet.

I sit here on the dining room chair, with some Greek salad, spinach pie, and of course, this mediterranean meal would not be complete with out roasted lamb. Then I thought how great it was that anyone is able to experience any culture and religion one wished to, here in Canada. This would not be the case centuries ago, when Western Europe started accumulating power and wealth, with what we now recognize as the race of imperialism and colonization; however, such attributes will carry on till even this date of the present, and will continue into the future.

Fact0rs including religion and wealth have been the causation of the cultural downfall in many parts of the world. When the European conquistadors came looking  to expand their empire’s power, they would ensure the demise of any culture. The British were especially guilty of this that “the sun never sets on the British Empire” , with all of its colony’s inhabitants becoming Brits and working for their new mother country, many soon lost their normal lifestyles as they experienced this newly forced upon white elephant.  When the British Commonwealth commenced, the British pulled out their troops, yet an undespensable presence of the British culture still loomed over those now regaining their sovereignty; many countries were only left with pieces of what remains of their shattered culture. But the British did do something worth mentioning: they helped create new hybrid cultures between the British lifestyle and that of the new sovereign country, even if they practically streamlined everyone into the way of the British culture. This kind of cultural cleansing has been happening throughout history, and will continue to happen, even in our own country we call home.

 Assimilation into capitalistic society has been a major , yet misguided, goal for many western countries; such was the case with the Canadian first nations, with the government trying to girdle them into “normal” society with the use of residential schools. “In the 19th century, the Canadian government believed it was responsible for educating and caring for the country’s aboriginal people. It thought their best chance for success was to learn English and adopt Christianity and Canadian customs. Ideally, they would pass their adopted lifestyle on to their children, and native traditions would diminish, or be completely abolished in a few generations.” (CBC News, 2008, para. 1). Canada itself has adopted the ways of its mother country, and let the church abuse its power. How much different is a church from an organisation? They both collect money to raise power, convert other people into their ways, use propaganda to create fear in other’s hearts, and manipulate their followers which ever way they please. Coincidence? It seems that everyone is just using ruthless tactics to do what ever they can to let others experience their cultures. Hey, what do we know, we are just guided by centuries of tradition.

Cultural genocide acted as salt and pepper tossed into the timeline of humanity it seems, just to make it interesting. We like to perceive Canada as a cultural mosaic, and America a melting pot, even with all the atrocities that have happened since the statute of Westminster, when Canada gained its independence. Again comes the issue of how the past should affect the future, but culture will always be present, it can not be destroyed, only changed. Everyone’s culture and lifestyle will always be molding, affected by the others around them.

or maybe, we will end up in space, as fat boneless specimens that have destroyed the earth that we live in. At least we wont have to worry about pitiful things like culture.

Reference list

CBC News. (2008). A history of residential schools in Canada. Stolen Children: Truth and Reconciliation. Retrieved January 2, 2011 from

Related articles – 22 videos on residential schools in Canada, via CBC News

Here from my hut currently located at an Asian poker party, I wish everyone  merry Christmas

Hopefully I can nail this. New day ladies and gents.

Our inability to change the past has made it a controversial issue to consider when making decisions that will affect the unknown results of the future. The past is an uncountable dimension of time, solidifying itself with each second gone by. The past can be utilized divinely or can act as the epicenter of pain and discontent, as shown in Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, and Rope by Katherine Anne Porter. The past acts as an overhanging fog causing miscommunication and detest in both of these vessels of literature.

A lavish lifestyle with continuous migration sets the past in Hills Like White Elephants and creates a dilemma which the couple must solve, with the train rapidly encroaching and a problem that creates a schism between the two.  The man is so fearful of losing his past he tries to convince his acquaintance that “[i]t’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig,” the man said. “It’s not really an operation at all” (Hemingway, 2008). He does not know how to deal with having a child, so whenever she brings up the subject of settling down, he just “[has] another drink”. This problem creates a crevice in their communication, with the man always wanting things to “be fine afterwards. Just like [they] were before” (Hemingway, 2008). The lifestyle he is so reluctant to give up, creates lapses in time, where there is no communication at all “[y]es, with water… [i]t tastes like liquorice” (Hemingway, 2008) and an awkward silence resides through the time period of ordering and receiving the drinks. Although they “try and have a fine time”, the girl tries to carve out a truth from the man, while evaluating her options, and with the baby always on her mind. The past acts as a reason for mistrust for the couple in Rope aswell, splicing proper communication into minor arguments.

The couple have unneeded conversations about minute details that stem from two weeks of unknown events of the past. The woman’s paranoid state conceives that her spouse convicted the most horrible sin of cheating on her, and the guy is unavailable to express his emotions about the truth. They are unable to sit down and have a talk, so they bicker about tiny things like “[h]ad he bought the coffee” (Porter, 1928) or other circumstantial arguments. In addition, the rope acts as an emblem of the past, always showing its clingy face at every strenuous encounter, further dividing the couple. “What was that he had there… the rope again” (Porter, 1928) having almost a glue like presence, the rope manages to stay with the man like a tainted memory of those two weeks. Due to that omnipresent rope, like the past, major communication to discuss the truth was obstructed by diminutive quarrels.

The past is a colossal agent to consider when arranging plans for the future, and it could be one’s demise, or one’s growth of wisdom. Kathrine Anne Porter and Ernest Hemingway both used the past as a reason to create a barrier, where communication is a lacking and strained element, in Rope and Hills Like White Elephants, respectively. The inability to utilize the past for preparation of the future will render even the mightiest person obsolete; and with the failure to change or affect this intangible dimension, one can only move on and forgive, but not forget. 


Hemingway, E. (2006). Hills like white elephants. In T. R. Arp & G. Johnson (Eds.), Story and Structure (pp. 210-214). Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth.

Porter, A.P. (1928). Rope. Unknown: Unknown

Oh no, the holidays are here, and all the family will come to enjoy the festivity together with us. We shall go out to  buy presents and make a lavish dinner that no one can finish. We will cut down a tree and put hundreds of dollars of decorations on it to make it stand out. Also, lets max out the credit card to buy the most extravagant gifts that we saw on commercials.

Don’t call me a pessimist for pouring salt into the wounds of reality, but facts are facts. And people need to think about what the reality really is.

How many holidays are there in a year? Uh… Valentines, Easter, Thanks Giving, Halloween, Christmas, and Boxing Day. There are many more, but those are the ones where we tend to spend a little more cash than usual. All for what though? To achieve the intangible love that comes with it. With christmas coming so soon, and boxing day just after, we as a society are especially susceptible to new ideas given out by commercials to make our loved ones happy. Only the best presents for that special someone, and if they don’t like it, it will be returned the next day. But where did it start?

The reason for christmas is to commemorate the birth of Jesus, as a Christian holiday, yet everyone celebrates it like their second birthday. A secret ploy set by the media, as an excuse to spend money, “make that someone happy with this new sleek item”, because you know, happiness can only be bought and experienced over these few days. And when we hear the word “christmas” drifting in the air, we immediately start thinking about what we should buy, to make everyone around you happy.

I think it really just comes down to the way of tradition, and how we got raised. We grow up our lives, and each year, we go through the same celebrations. These facts of what to do when just get hammered into our minds like an invisible nail. We fear losing christmas and other holidays, because they have happened every day of our short lives, and simply could not be replaced because heck, we have not experienced anything new. Not only with a lack of knowledge, but also social pressures. No one wants to say they aren’t doing christmas this year, or ” I’m not buying any presents for my kids”. This policy is so strict, that if you waver just a bit, people will ostracize you from their lives.

All in all, christmas is just another holiday were we can express our love through money.

Related Articles

Reference list

Starphoenix. (October 2008). Canadians may trim Christmas spendings. Retrieved December 12, 2010          from

What a wonderful emotion.

Recently, our physics class got assigned to do some certain online questions on a site called: Mastering Physics.

Now, this site will tend to mark you wrong for getting the hints wrong, or significant figure errors, or even freaking rounding errors. It can also give 6 attempts for a 3 choice question, just incase you might choose the same wrong answer 3 times. My inability to deal with this crap is driving me insane. I feel like sending the creator of this site some dirty messages and/or death threats. I dont think I have ever felt a passion to destroy something such as this in my life ever before, or with this strength. My hatred goes beyond Hitler’s hatred for people who did not have blue eyes and blonde hair. This level of hatred is unimaginable and unfathomable. My rage might overpower my sanity.










Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Nelson Mandela I think ( unsure)

Personally not into this kind of music, but it has a good message

and awesome imagery

watch it on youtube.

Don’t know why it’s not working

Or else.

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